Would you challenge Triangle? We're looking for local businesses to challenge us and raise money for local charities!
We've supported local charity, Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW) for a number of years and continue to do so with our new initiative, Challenge Triangle.
We'd like to throw down the gauntlet and ask other businesses to challenge us to any contest, where the losing team donates £50 to the winning team’s charity of choice.
Bob Irwin, our Sales Director, said: “At Triangle, we’re a bit competitive and we love a challenge. We’d like to invite any companies that are brave enough to pick a battle, put together a team and go head-to-head with us. We’re looking forward to some friendly competition, doing some good for the local community and raising money and awareness for the heroes at Children’s Hospice South West!”
So far, we've taken part in a step challenge with product design company Quantum Metric and a number of Jaffa Cake eating competitions with businesses across the South West. Future plans include a 6-a-side football match against full-fibre network builder CityFibre, a game of dodgeball with events company MediaClash and a softball game with co-working space Origin Workspace.
Amanda Gallagher, Corporate Partnerships Fundraiser at CHSW, said: “There are a variety of ways companies can help support good causes, but perhaps none quite as creative as that by Triangle Networks. It’s a bit of a cliché, but they really are putting the ‘fun’ in fundraising! We’re excited to see who will rise to the challenge and go up against them next.”
If you’d like to Challenge Triangle, please get in touch with Bob at bob.irwin@trianglenetworks.co.uk

About Children's Hospice South West
- Children’s Hospice South West was first registered with the charity commission in 1991 and is celebrating its 30th Anniversary in 2021
- It is dedicated to making the most of short and precious lives, providing the best possible hospice care for life-limited children and their families
- There are three hospices in the South West: Little Bridge House in Barnstaple (opened 1995), Charlton Farm in Bristol (opened 2007) and Little Harbour in St Austell (opened 2011)
- CHSW is the only children’s hospice in the South West. It costs around £11million to run the 3 hospice sites each year and the charity relies almost entirely on voluntary contributions
- CHSW delivers a range of services including short breaks, specialist play, music therapy, activities for siblings, palliative and emergency care, end of life care, bereavement support and specialist medical care - all available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- The services are free for families.